Feed the Hungry is coordinating distribution of 1.2 million face masks donated by Motus Automotive, and CAM a Stanley Black and Decker Company.
Initially, masks were distributed with the food bags that we dispense in 37 communities. A large-scale distribution at key points throughout the city was then designed with the coordination of Francisco Garay from Desarrollo Economico, and NGOs. This effort included distribution of 100,000 face masks given to public markets and shops, 200,000 to public transportation, 27,000 to the elderly via DIF, masks for personnel at the general hospital and inmates of the CERESO, as well as cleaning crews and members of ecology from the city.
Most recently, 288,000 face masks were donated to the schools in our District, Region 1 – North of San Miguel de Allende. Thanks to the collaboration between the city and the delegate of the education district, Mtra Montserrat Bataller Sala, more than 1,000 schools in our district received face masks for the students and teachers of each school. The delivery of the face masks for the schools started on August 30 at the local COMUDE community center, where more than 85 school representatives showed up in a two-hour period to receive their lot. “We wish a good back-to-school, not letting our guard down. Please use the face masks and follow the sanitation guidelines,” Steve Livingston, treasurer of Feed the Hungry commented to the audience.
Mtra Montserrat, Regional Delegate for North Education, thankful for the support and donation, said, “Education never stopped and at this moment, we carry out a strategy with maintenance and cleaning of the schools, and training for teachers and parents. A safe return to school is our priority.” She reported that more than 3 million pesos have been invested in maintenance of schools in San Miguel de Allende during the pandemic period.
Educational authorities pointed out the importance of maintaining empathy, commitment, and responsibility in the face of the challenges of the new educational normality. The attending teachers agreed that through accurate planning, reinforcement of preventative actions, and application of sanitary measures can help mitigate the spread of the COVID-19 virus.
Feed the Hungry’s “Back to School” fundraiser will be active through the end of the year: https://bit.ly/2021BackToSchoolFtH