On September 10, a sparkling new kitchen and dining room at the “México Creo en Tí” elementary school in the community of La Medina was inaugurated. Materials and labor were generously donated by Arquitecto Rafael Franco. Franco offers his professional expertise as an architect to our organization and has already built cooking and dining facilities at our school kitchens in Nuevo Cimatario, Palo Colorado, Alonzo Yáñez, Salitrillo, and Nuevo Pantoja!
Representatives from Feed the Hungry were joined at the opening ceremony by the Magisterium of the Secretariat of Education of Guanajuato (SEG)Jorge Enrique Hernandez and Maestra Montserrat Bataller Sala. The City’s local municipality was represented by the then interim mayor, Gonzalo Gonzalez and Francisco Garay from the office of economic development. The Gobierno Municipal de San Miguel de Allende was represented by the interim mayor of the city, Gonzalo González.

Now, 17 kindergarten and 40 elementary school children have a clean, modern, comfortable new building in which to eat breakfast and lunch provided by Feed the Hungry. Grateful for having a new dining room at her school, student Maria Paola Rangel Zuleta expressed that “It is a historic moment for our school and community,” as she and her colleagues will be able to eat in a suitable space, instead of in their classrooms.
Thanks to Arq. Rafael and his entire team of designers, builders, and donors, this dream is now a reality.