Feed the Hungry San Miguel

Interview with Veronica Olvera, Director of Finance for Feed the Hungry San Miguel 

Feed the Hungry San Miguel’s Director of Finance brings a wealth of experience to the organization, including working in the Treasury Department for the municipality of San Miguel de Allende for 13 years.

Interview with Veronica Olvera, Director of Finance for Feed the Hungry San Miguel  Lee mas "

Connect with a Community Through School Kitchen Sponsorship

Sponsorship of a Feed the Hungry San Miguel school kitchen provides supporters with a more personal connection to where their donations go. It is also a great way to do something meaningful as a family, groups of friends, or coworkers, or to honor the memory of a loved one.

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New School Kitchen in El Salitre

A new school kitchen opened in December in the community of El Salitre, and will provide meals for 35 elementary school students and 15 kindergarteners. Thanks to the hard work of our dedicated staff members, we transformed a pre-existing room into a fully functional kitchen in just a matter of days.

New School Kitchen in El Salitre Lee mas "

Feed the Hungry San Miguel Expands Food Relief Programs in Rancho Nuevo de La Rosa, Gto.

Feed the Hungry San Miguel is proud to announce the expansion of two vital food relief programs in the community of Rancho Nuevo de la Rosa, Gto. The Early Childhood Nutrition program and the Food Extension program are set to enhance food security and nutrition for families in the area, impacting a total of 18 families and 9 young babies and toddlers.

Feed the Hungry San Miguel Expands Food Relief Programs in Rancho Nuevo de La Rosa, Gto. Lee mas "

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